martes, 9 de marzo de 2010

My first blog

This is the first time I do this, a blog. It is aimed at anyone who likes English as much as I do.
 I'll use it as a tool for my students to improve their English and anyone who likes it, will be welcome too.
 I'd like it to be participative, to do so I'll prepare a variety of activities, grammar, speaking, songs, games, jokes ...
Well, let's see how it works and enjoy it.

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010

Typically Irish

This is your second task 4ºC. Click on  St. Patrick's Day. Read the article called St. Patrick's Day Symbols and Traditions  and find this information.

Name two symbols which are tipycally Irish.

Find the name of an animal.

Families gather with their loved ones to share a "traditional" meal of .....................................

Name some traditional Irish bands.

St. Patrick's Day.

This is the first task for 4º C, click here St. Patrick's Day — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts  read the first article about St. Patrick's day and answer these questions:

When is St. Patrick's day celebrated?

When did he die?

What would Irish families do on St. Patrick's Day?

domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010

This is your homework for next friday, march 12th, 1ºA/B and 1ºC/D

Listen and sing the song, click here The boy does nothing.

Then answer the folowing questions:
  • Does the boy help at home?  Why?

  • List all the household activities you know.

  • Do you help at home?  If so, what do you do?

This is the first task for my 1º Bachillerato students.

Go to unit 6, page 67 in your student's book and do the reading comprehesion task, click here to use this tool  Catch Me If You Can ,write your anwers on the link, enter your text , listen for pronuntiation and repeat.

Thanks a lot.

Last year Gema and I went to Dublin for a week with a group of 1º bachillerato students. I had so much fun during that week, that I want to thank them all for their excellent behaviour and willingness to participate in all the activities.

I hope they keep good, long lasting memories of that week we spent together.
So, in the very first entry of my blog I want to thank you:  Adrián, Alejandro, José Mª, Víctor, Laura, Mar, Noelia, Patricia, Raquel, Sheila and last but not least Gema,who is the other teacher who shared that wonderful experience.

This songs is for you, I hope you like it.

Click here, You've got a friend in me, enjoy and do some listening.